What are the MELT Method Balls used for?

The MELT Method is a simple self care technique that helps you get out of and stay out of chronic pain. You use a Soft Foam Roller and specialized balls to preform easy to do techniques to reduce stuck stress and restore fluid. Taking care of your hands and feet specifically is often missing from self care. There are four different MELT Method balls in the MELT Method Hand and Foot Treatment Kit. This kit comes with a Large Soft Ball, Small Soft Ball, Large Firm Ball, Small Firm Ball, a Bunion Band and instructions. The balls are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.

Each ball has a different function.

The Large Soft Ball is the most diverse. There’s only one move you can’t do with this one, the Knuckle Decompress from the full hand treatment.

The Large Firm Ball is added after you have a better understanding of the techniques with the Large Soft Ball. You only use this ball after prepping with the Large Soft Ball first and you never doing Position Point Pressing with this ball. This is a good ball to use before taking a walk, a Pilates session or any other physical activity. The other important thing to know is you only use this ball three times a week at the most.

The Small Soft and Firm Balls are only used for Position Point Pressing and the Knuckle Decompress. These balls can help you get more precise in your position. The Small Ball is also good for arthritis. If you have arthritis, the Small Firm Ball may not work with you so proceed with caution or avoid it all together.

The Bunion Band is exactly what it says, a band to prevent bunions. This is also good to use even if you don’t have bunions. I find a lot of relief using the whole kit and especially the Bunion Band after walking 15-20 miles at Disney World. The Bunion Band also releases tension in the arch of your feet.

I always bring my Hand and Foot Kit with me whenever I travel. Even if it’s just a quick trip to Nashville for the weekend. The kit is small enough to fit in my purse.

Any tension in my hands, neck or shoulders from driving, flying or hauling luggage is easily relieved with a Soft Ball Hand Treatment. Tension in my feet, legs or back is relived with a Soft Ball Foot Treatment. If there’s been a lot of walking or a super long drive, I do the full Foot Treatment with all the balls and the bunion band an hour before bed and I wake up refreshed and with no pain!

If I get a headache from not drinking enough water, I have sinus pressure or I simply feel stressed, a quick Face Treatment with the Large Soft Ball helps me clear things out and let go of stress.

The MELT Method Hand and Foot Treatments can be done daily and are a good way to rehydrate your fascial tissue and restore fluid throughout your whole body.

If you’re ready to try the MELT Method for the first time, the Hand and Foot Treatments are a good place to start. MELT is best done with a certified instructor like me to learn the techniques and improve. Then you can practice on your own. If you’re ready to get started with the MELT Method, book a free 15 minute consultation here and I’ll help you understand how MELT can work for you.

Get your MELT Hand and Foot Treatment Kit here.


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